Monday, July 29, 2013

About this blog...

Initial description: This blog is a forum for women to share stories of their cunts (*refer to comments). Despite not having vocal cords, our cunts* have a lot to say and need to be heard. What is yours saying? Send me your story at:, and I will post it up. Be creative! Anything goes (book reviews, photographs, articles, artwork, journal entries, creative writing, poetry.....) Please indicate if you would like me to post it as anonymous or not.

Amendment (October 15, 2013): Anyone can write, I just began the blog as a space for women to express themselves especially because historically women's thoughts and endeavours have not been recorded as often as the others'. But the blog is for everyone to express their feminine side.

Amendment (December 21, 2013): After a conversation with a friend of mine I thought that I would (again) rewrite what this blog is about. This blog is my journey into having a healthy sexual relationship with myself. Sexuality is a part of everything, it is not just intercourse. It draws us to each other as humans as well as creates us, it is a source of creativity that we can choose what to do with. If we're not directly having children with this energy, then it is up to us how to spend it. Throughout the blog many repeating themes are to do with how I spend my sexual/creative energy: ukuleles, bicycles, books, creative expression. And there are references through journal entries of how I used to spend it and ways in which I still struggle to be a healthy person. I am overjoyed with the contributions that I have received and continue to receive by everyone as well as the audience that has taken the time to look through. It's all love.