Once upon a time there was a village. This village was highly unusual because it consisted of only women. These women would call out each morning to her sisters, "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO." The call would be passed from hut to hut and the sisters would gather at their special meeting place in the centre of the village and sing and dance around the fire as the sun rose, greeting the day, thanking the earth for everything they had. Then each woman would take her hot beverage and go meditate in whichever style they pleased; painting, yoga, walking, sitting, generating ideas and pondering the world, life's little (and not so little) mysteries.
Their village was a beautiful piece of land with a river passing through it and forest all around. There were communal vegetable gardens interspersed all through the space. In this village there was a girl named Heather. Heather had long golden locks and walked about the village strumming original tunes about love and bicycles and cherry trees with big, bright red, waxy cherries.
There were many bake-offs in this village with big peach cobblers with real vanilla beans grown on Heath's porch, or apple pies made with cheese from the goats that roamed the village.
It was a peaceful place.
To Be Continued...
To Be Continued...